Wednesday, January 14, 2009


It has been quite a while since I posted about Ruth, so I thought I would post an update now.
She's in coasting mode right now, not really hitting many milestones, kinda keeping to herself, and has always done well in school, so daily there is not much to say about her. But there is still lot's to tell about here. For example...

For Christmas Ruth got a two wheeled scooter, and she did so GREAT balancing today. She rode all the way to the park and back with no problems, it was really great.

Ruth is learning fractions in math this week, and has gone much further than I thought she would. I am able to give her word problems, and she is writing them down and answering them all on her own.

She is also a really good reader. Her lessons the past two weeks are from "The Tale of Despereaux", and she is reading a good portion of the book on her own with little help from me.

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