Friday, May 29, 2009

Hobby Lobby

I have struggled since we left TX with a theme for the girls room. When we moved into our house, there room was pineapple colored, and I tried to work with it for a year before I admitted defeat and painted it white.
Then came the polka dots and Hawaii theme.
That was nice, but then Mary got a new bed and Ruth got an actual bed, so the room became more feminine and floral.
I bought satin comforters hoping to bridge the gap, and though they were (are) beautiful, the slippery material was not good for a six and seven year old.
So here is what $20 will get you from Hobby Lobby. (Everything was on sale 40%-66%)
The hope is that we can transform the girls room into a young lady, flowery, fun room for them both to enjoy.
There is a new rug, wind chime, felt to make three layer flowers for the wall, and these great mini flip flops.
I got some new art work at Goodwill to go on one wall and over the beds, and we are moving a bookcase up to there room, and the baskets will help them stay organized.

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