Thursday, November 17, 2011

Tom the Turkey by Mary re written

The farmer bought a live turkey.
 So he could eat it on Thanksgiving.
He bought it at a turkey farm and brought it home.
He put the turkey in the back yard.
He thought the turkey couldn’t run away.
The turkey ran away, he was afraid to be eaten.
He hid in the farmer’s farm.
The next morning the farmer said “I am going to cook the turkey”.
He looked in the back yard, the turkey was gone.
He got dressed and went in his corn field to look for the turkey.
He looked all day, and didn’t find the turkey.
He went back to the turkey farm and bought another turkey.
He kept it inside so it wouldn’t run away.
The next morning it was Thanksgiving.
He got the turkey and he cooked it for his dinner.
The next day he looked in his corn field, and found the first lost turkey.
He ate it too.
The End

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